For denounced in writing on the wall of a bank, the fraudulent nature of the system of money creation, Francis appears to Thonier
To have denounced writing on the facade of a bank, the fraudulent nature of the system of money creation, Francis Thonier appears before the Criminal Court of Nantes. If Francis
Thonier is continued, then it should continue as Maurice Allais, Nobel laureate in economics who wrote:
"In essence, monetary creation ex nihilo practiced by the banks is similar, I have no hesitation say that people understand what is at stake here, in the manufacture of currency counterfeiters, so rightly punished by law. Specifically it produces the same results. The only difference is that those who benefit are different "
Gathering support
Tuesday, December 18, at 13:45,
before the Correctional Tribunal of Nantes
Liberate Mint
group Nantes
February 1940 89 32 03