Saturday, May 10, 2008

Has Anyone Heard Of Alibi Snowboards

Appeal May 10


May 10, 1848, the abolition of Slavery was not abolished slavery
1948, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, legitimizing the wage,
perpetuates the trade in human beings
Universal Declaration for an authentic of Human Rights

May 10, 2008, from Nantes, a city of vanguard in recognizing the slave past, Liberate The Mint calls via the Internet, so that humanity is freed from bondage and pay money. Slavery abolished, the extension of wage merely modernize bondage adapting to technical progress. The objective remains the monetary profit. Wage society organizing the sale of human beings in exchange for money (salary) treats the individual as a commodity. Whether it is sold or is sold, there is always buying a human work force.
part of a preamble founder translated into several languages, this call is an invitation to write an authentic Universal Declaration of Human Rights. For a year each, on all continents, may contribute.
May 10, 2009, writing became Universal Declaration of Peoples, will be released in Nantes.

Preamble for an authentic Universal Declaration of Human Rights

1-Considering that the labor force, physical and intellectual, of the individual is the essential component of human nature. Considering that this work force is part of the personality. Everyone must be the sole custodian and owner. Any person entitled to free choice of employment, each freely available its work force, in respect for others.
No one can buy or seize by stealth, by force or any other means contrary to the free will of each. None can dispossess against their will for profit
2-Considering that any new advanced scientific or technological, is a fruit, a tiny part, at any given time, the accumulated cultural heritage by men since the dawn of humanity.
Considering that knowledge has this characteristic can belong to an unlimited number of human beings, without depriving any. No one can claim to know, seizing it, and restrict access by making others. Considering that the privatization of major means of production, exchange and communication creates conditions that allow for solution to the greatest number, that the use of the easement in the wage. No one has the right to privatize these resources for profit by buying the workforce of a human being.
Considering that the major means of production, exchange and communication are an integral part of this heritage. Everyone, from birth to death, is entitled, as heir to this heritage, a basic income. Working time under the public interest is decided democratically. 3-
Whereas any person as a member of the society has the right to social security, everyone is entitled to obtain the satisfaction of economic, social and cultural rights indispensable for his dignity and the free development of his personality. Whereas the currency constitutes an authority to purchase goods and services that guarantee the fundamental rights of human beings. Considering that purchasing power is subordinate to the power of money creation. The power of money creation depends on the will of people, one foundation of the authority of government.
Those who hold the power of money creation, the expression of common will not benefit from their position to extract private interests whatsoever. So no one has the right to force others to sell his work on behalf of the interest on the currency, interest contrary to public interest. 4-
Considering that interest on the currency, combined with wage labor, constitute a system that organizes the trade in human beings, being vulnerable, to take benefit of their labor. Whereas the system of money creation with interests associated with the wage system, the major obstacle to meeting the needs of guaranteeing the fundamental rights of many. Interest on money and the wage were abolished.
After slavery and serfdom, the abolition of wage announces the end of the Ancien Regime. The trade in human beings, finally abolished opens the advent of economic democracy respectful of an ecosystem in which all men depend. Democracy and economic grounds opens the way for democracy in politics.
Liberate Mint [Nantes group and Pellerin]
A wiki-exchange forum is being set up. In the meantime, send your contributions to:
vidal.mothes @ Alain Vidal 5, avenue Louis Vasseur 44000 Nantes