Sunday, November 28, 2010

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A law shall guarantee public control of banks

for a currency without interest created based

quantities alone productions

The origin of the global crisis a tremendous contradiction

one hand, a technological development that frees man by removing massive employment.

More and more wealth with less and less human labor.

Because this technique reduces progress profits made on human labor,

private bankers deny credit for production of goods

containing too little of this work.

Formerly, any paper currency co r r Esponda an equivalent amount of gold in banks.

To guard service in gold, customers gave interest to the banker.

Money is no longer convertible into gold, and yet the bankers are still of interest.

This counterfeiting causes of global crises of debt.

Indebted States cut public services, businesses go bankrupt

materials and transportation make free virtual currencies and neck r r ial dematerialized

. Gold and paper become useless.

We do not put a stamp on neck r r e st BUT THEN ...

Why pay interest on electronic money?

For a currency in line with the quantities of production and not on the working time of men

Wealth is being destroyed because they can not be purchased by income aligned with the work of men!

and the other, obligation to work to buy those same riches.

is absurd since the machines produce an average of 95% of the goods.

bankers and speculators make profits on the backs of employees (95% of the workforce)

is the replacement of men by machines that allowed development of public services.

But this reduction of working time reduces the profits of bankers and speculators.

For the monopoly of money creation,

banks prohibit production unprofitable even useful to people .

speculators artificially create misery in abundance

by quotas limiting production and the massive destruction of unsold goods ...

This necessity forces us to work under any conditions ...

You do not fight against unemployment by creating jobs destructive environmental

The working time of each will be significantly reduced with money created

based exclusively on production quantities respecting the environment and human beings.

But where is the money? Where the bankers created every day ... in the banks!

Bankers create money on computers as they already do, but without interest,

since money is electronic and 92%, warranty or no longer exists. This is normal,

the total gold reserves of central banks is less than 1% of a single global GDP!

Aside from the file management, creation of computerized currency is almost free ...

figures and letters on disk drives. The coffers are empty, it's normal, it's progress!

Three steps are needed to address global crisis at the root .

1-Prohibition of quotas on production and destruction helpful to people.

2 - Allocation of income existence, separated from employment, fueled by a currency without interest.

A currency aligned with the quantities of products.

3-free access to inventions and methods of production that belong to pat r imoine of humanity

and accumulated, often anonymously, by all generations over millions of years.

A legacy of which we are all heirs without any invention which would be impossible

Libe r ons Mint Nantes-Le Pelle r in 02/23/2009

Signature, click the link below:

"Free money"

Saturday, November 27, 2010

How Long Do Computer Usb Last

5 links to a

I really do not see why I killed my son to filter feed, read my Twitter feed, subscribe to forums, when I scour the bookstores 't all that a brain needs to a single address.

Just on the home are:

The technology can eliminate poverty? (2 / 2): Distinguishing the potential machines of men (By H. Guillaud)

The answer is simple: education eliminate poverty! And technology magnifies the intentions and capabilities of man. But it is not a substitute, it creates an opportunity (not guaranteed) and depends on the context. It is man and not the tools they need to invest.

What philosophy is registered in Facebook? (X Gateway)

In Facebook, as in all other social networks, life becomes a database. It is a degradation, which, according to Lanier is "based on mistaken philosophical belief that today's computers can represent human thought or human relations. "

The predictive ability of our socio-technical systems will she kill our free will? (H. Guillaud)

We have a crisis of all systems that are linked either to thought or to knowledge: publishing, newspapers, media, television, university as well as the entire school system. Free will, too. By registering our data increasingly in web-based system, Google and Amazon make us more transparent to others and ourselves.

Little Brothers Big Brother cons (X Gateway)

In George Orwell's 1984 ICT would ensure the dominance of the state. But it is rather the monitoring of all by all that happened today.

When our gadgets know our emotions (X Gateway)

"That a guardian automatically adapt to the known ability of the student's attention, why not, but my MP3 player establish a playlist based on what he interprets my emotional state, or believe to know that my phone when he can tell me texting arriving, I'm not sure that's desirable. "

Thank FING!

Monday, November 22, 2010

How I Can Get A Puffle

This is your private life given to you

can request the preservation of its historic Facebook for some time, that is to say, download all the information you have entered in the platform since registration. Hold in his hands a concentrate of privacy is a new experience.

Jesus is Lord Parking - photo by: Pete Jelliffe, Source: Flickr, found with You will receive via email a huge file of your social prose (look in the settings of your account details here )

What is the funniest in this story, as Matthew Strélisky me noted is that we Facebook warns

"Because this download contains your profile information, you should" keep it secure and take precautions "
[since the file contains personal information, you should take precautions and make it a safe place.]

Somehow, Facebook tells us that our privacy is too important to let our hands ...

For a company that has not shown too much trouble to open the safe in all applications that programmers outside proposed in 2007 (remember that the first applications had access to all our datas and even those of our "friends") or to protect us from prying eyes (the last year, without much warning, our data were left open "by default").

Non-confidentiality is further proof. Christian Bensi reminds us again with this very recent history of the labor court in Boulogne-Billancourt who "had reason to give an undertaking for the dismissal of three of its employees. These employees disparaged the hierarchy of the company on their Facebook profile. "(Source )

But do we know, we are warned, that Facebook is the data? Xavier de la Porte us summarizes the excellent review of Zadie Smith's film on The Social Network InternetActu . "What philosophy is registered in Facebook? And Zadie Smith is concerned for example the Open Graph of Facebook, an application that lets you see instantly what our "friends" are reading, watching or eating, in order to be able to like them. She is concerned that there is in the philosophy of Facebook a generational fear: that they do not like the others, a fear of not being loved "

Anything you write may be used against you

Last week " the podcast, the weekly show with LibéLabo Team Screens. Fr, Erwan Cario, Alexander Hervaud, and Camille Gevaudan, received the journalist Jean-Marc Manach, author of The privacy a problem of old farts? Facing an external eye, stranger, you can always turn away from his original purpose the contents of a wire Facebook. This is not what you say is a problem is how the other (the boss, customs, the insurer) who claims the power to interpret in his favor the crime you are innocent .

Jean-Marc Manach wrote this weekend that the web provides all freedom of expression (formerly reserved for "political figures, cultural, intellectual, media, celebrity") to not only speak, "but also and above all be heard." But then, "[t] he problem is that the status of" public figure ", once reserved for a privileged few, is now accessible to everyone, with a few clicks." (Source ) And few know how to handle this new fact.

A world without setbacks

What I wrote 5 years ago About Blogs ( The Blogosphere Cuffless ) still hold: There is no setback on the Internet, no corner to talk in the back of anyone (at least not over a long period). Everything finally come out. Private space eventually will fall forward to everything that is not captured by a reproducing apparatus, whether voluntary or not. Space for hypocrisy no longer exist: what will emerge eventually in the network society will be an obligation to confront others with our ideas or shut up. The confrontation will be a strategy of mutual respect and reconciliation in the long term, to manipulation by pressure social thoughts on a scale never seen before (except in dictatorships).

Photo © 2006 Pete Jelliffe (via: Wylio )

Monday, November 15, 2010

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Oil slick: beepee could he ignore the flaw?

BP has drilled three wells on a geological fault which crosses the Gulf of Mexico and is publicly known. BP began with the well she quickly closed due to leakage problems ... Suite

Sunday, November 14, 2010

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Should be a little aristocrat? The wall

Eric Fottorino for Le Monde and reprinted in Le Devoir, asked some questions to Umberto Eco to the launch of its latest in French Book (From the tree to the labyrinth. Studies on historical evidence and interpretation, Grasset). One question caught my attention.

Q: Do you think that knowledge and understanding will always output from the writing on which it dwells, or conversely that the culture of speed, the Internet, will eventually affect our ability to judge?

Umberto Eco: I think we need to restore the culture of the monasteries, one day or another - maybe I'd be dead before - he'll have to read those yet to retire in large phalansteries Perhaps in the countryside, as the Amish of Pennsylvania. Here we keep the culture, and the remainder allowed to float as it floats. With six billion people on the planet, we can not pretend that there are six billion intellectuals. It must be a little aristocrats that point of view.

( source)
outset, one is struck by this question that bisects culture. On the one hand, the "culture of learning and knowledge" that transmit (and defined) by the vehicle of choice (written) and the other a "culture of speed" that affects the organ itself rationality ("ability to judge") to represent the point of not even knowing, or knowledge (otherwise we would not have been in opposition) and that would be defined by its mode (transmission speed) .

I do not know if he implied Wikipedia, Twitter, and forums in the culture of speed, but as the vehicle, there is no more "written" than those. So where is the opposition?

The danger of "immediate", a concept brought to its climax, and at arms length, by Paul Virilio (haunted by the "integral accident" of the information society - and I do not share conclusions as expressed in my post in 2009, Virilio and fear of the immediate ) is probably overstated, but relevant enough to ask at the Eco.

How should I take offense not only that Eco is not the rhetoric of the question, but he defends it almost ("There must be a little aristocracy of this point of view")

L aristocracy, in my opinion, refuses status and other tools for emancipation. Web 2.0 has democratized access to tools for pros and amateurs alike. The elite refuses to see the advances because it considers that the populace can neither use it well or do something noble - usually on the basis of criteria that only the aristocracy "control" (definition tautological): culture is what it says culture.

And the "culture" is the "book". Giving statements like "To allow people whose job it is to think [for providing in-depth analysis, a space for reflection] on what happens on our planet. In 140 characters, it does not have much time to do that. "(Dixit Patron Book Fair 2010 from Montreal ). A bit like if we reduced the literature Harlequin. To TVs or TV-truth.

Yet, Twitter, who focuses much (again.! An action verb that is not reserved for the book!) On good sources, "allows people whose job it is to think [for provide in-depth analysis, a space for reflection] on what is happening on our planet. "

Proof: this excellent article on the opening Christian Liboiron (Ambivalent) the Book Fair on the twenty-first century Montrtéal .

For How Long Should You Take Ketoconazole

Oil slick: Not the End of the world, only the end of our civilization. The cons-

I know this is difficult to conceive: the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico can not be the cause of the end of our civilization and yet ... It's the truth ... Suite

Letter Of Product Confidentiality

postmodernist revolution could it come from England?

David Cameron has decided to abolish the welfare state in England without calling into question the modern capitalist system. A capitalist system without modern welfare state is what I call, as part of PointZero theory, postmodern revolution for the extermination of 90 to 95% of humanity ... Suite

Why Would You Need Ear Plugs

Oil Spill: lies of "Voice of America."

(See the source of my article HERE: -to-contain-the-leaks-at-the-Macondo-well-site / ) ... Suite

Friday, November 12, 2010

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Nicolas Sarkozy is there a PFitK?

The daily Le Monde title in its online edition tonight ( /-Nicolas Sarkozy-hoped-be-used-by-the-g20_1439238_823448.html ens_id # = 1437765 ): "Nicolas Sarkozy hopes " being served "by the G20 " ... Suite

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Oil Spill: A Case for Gold "PFitKs.

According BK LIM (see here all his articles: / ), BP does nothing and never did anything to stop the slick from what is simply impossible due to the geological situation of the region. BP has drilled wells where it should not and when other companies were wise to give it up ... Suite

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Welcoming Letter From New Doctor

Oil slick: the oil rigs fly beepee

News of Florida Oil Spill are increasingly bad .... Suite

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Message Wedding Thank You

In the oil spill at home to hydrogen.

Dear regular visitors, you may have noticed that for some time I almost do not put more online articles about the oil spill. Some of you have expressed, via the comments, the desire to do something to alert people affected by the spill. .. Following

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

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The ultimate challenge for BP: .. Suite

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paying the Times confirms the "convenience" of information

The Times had announced plans to put its content behind a "pay wall". These are the first results.

iPad On the site of Benedict Raphael, who has made a good review last week, we learn that there were 105,000 sales (not to be confused with readers), half of which corresponds to monthly subscriptions and the other half is transactions per unit (£ 1 for one day). "The Times has managed to turn only 0.5% of its 20 million readers online." ( Also on paidContent)

A "pay wall" thus means drastic decrease in attendance (but a "community of high quality, very much involved."). What is telling in The Gaurdian that this is not a good business model. (via Benedict Raphael). "The profitability of the initiative seems doubtful now." publishes FPJQ .

Clay Shirky this morning writes that he does not believe it: with the "commodisation" information [" convenience" is borrowed from English and means "to make commonplace" with little commercial appeal, as the "commodity"], there is no way around the disturbing fact that the mass no longer wants to pay for content. The wall is only paying out those who do not want to pay and retains only those for whom the information, that information is not a commodity. It perpetuates the notion that newspapers can maybe get away without major changes.

It is indeed strange to think that, according to figures showed that the total wall charge can support a writing as The Times. If the Duty can successfully see a profitable avenue, with a partial wall, is that their editorial structure was already subject to the budget thin. The Times change so that it would face the same.

It is clear that the business model based on "average" is no longer in a world of long tail. And training may not be forthcoming: as the forward section is useless (you must be a subscriber to read the article), fewer people will cite the paper, leading to a downward spiral of loss notoriety.

But the problem now seems to reach even the newspaper sites open: unique visitors decline worldwide (according to Nielsen figures, compared to Google trends, such as compiled by Jeff Mignon last month). Information is a "convenience" [a product with little differentiation]. Yes, but what now? It sits on the shelf .

( image source)