can request the preservation of its historic Facebook for some time, that is to say, download all the information you have entered in the platform since registration. Hold in his hands a concentrate of privacy is a new experience.
What is the funniest in this story, as Matthew Strélisky me noted is that we Facebook warns
"Because this download contains your profile information, you should" keep it secure and take precautions "
[since the file contains personal information, you should take precautions and make it a safe place.]
Somehow, Facebook tells us that our privacy is too important to let our hands ...
For a company that has not shown too much trouble to open the safe in all applications that programmers outside proposed in 2007 (remember that the first applications had access to all our datas and even those of our "friends") or to protect us from prying eyes (the last year, without much warning, our data were left open "by default").
Non-confidentiality is further proof. Christian Bensi reminds us again with this very recent history of the labor court in Boulogne-Billancourt who "had reason to give an undertaking for the dismissal of three of its employees. These employees disparaged the hierarchy of the company on their Facebook profile. "(Source )
But do we know, we are warned, that Facebook is the data? Xavier de la Porte us summarizes the excellent review of Zadie Smith's film on The Social Network InternetActu . "What philosophy is registered in Facebook? And Zadie Smith is concerned for example the Open Graph of Facebook, an application that lets you see instantly what our "friends" are reading, watching or eating, in order to be able to like them. She is concerned that there is in the philosophy of Facebook a generational fear: that they do not like the others, a fear of not being loved "
Anything you write may be used against you
Last week " the podcast, the weekly show with LibéLabo Team Screens. Fr, Erwan Cario, Alexander Hervaud, and Camille Gevaudan, received the journalist Jean-Marc Manach, author of The privacy a problem of old farts? Facing an external eye, stranger, you can always turn away from his original purpose the contents of a wire Facebook. This is not what you say is a problem is how the other (the boss, customs, the insurer) who claims the power to interpret in his favor the crime you are innocent .
Jean-Marc Manach wrote this weekend that the web provides all freedom of expression (formerly reserved for "political figures, cultural, intellectual, media, celebrity") to not only speak, "but also and above all be heard." But then, "[t] he problem is that the status of" public figure ", once reserved for a privileged few, is now accessible to everyone, with a few clicks." (Source ) And few know how to handle this new fact.
A world without setbacks
What I wrote 5 years ago About Blogs ( The Blogosphere Cuffless ) still hold: There is no setback on the Internet, no corner to talk in the back of anyone (at least not over a long period). Everything finally come out. Private space eventually will fall forward to everything that is not captured by a reproducing apparatus, whether voluntary or not. Space for hypocrisy no longer exist: what will emerge eventually in the network society will be an obligation to confront others with our ideas or shut up. The confrontation will be a strategy of mutual respect and reconciliation in the long term, to manipulation by pressure social thoughts on a scale never seen before (except in dictatorships).
Photo © 2006 Pete Jelliffe (via: Wylio )
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