Friday, December 31, 2010
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When Henri Verdier, CEO of Cap Digital, Silicon Valley back, exclaiming " all we know the Web will change again with the phenomenon of big data, it is time to take a short tour of horizon.
" Big Data" is a term that has been circulating for some time niche in the hi-tech cloud computing (computer in the cloud ) and refers to tools, processes and procedures that enable a company to create, manipulate and manage very large amounts of data. ( What is "Big Data?" ZD Net)
If giant corporations (think Google, PayPal, eBay, Amazon) are already on the ground, the ability to manage the "Big Data" beginning to be accessible for smaller firms (Big data analytics: From data to business analysts Scientists, Radar O'Reilly). Democratization is
underway, and the "Big Data" will move the heart of companies that will give them a value. We were in the realm of computer science and engineering, and now with such an amount of data it is possible to generate value in the marketing department: the emergence of patterns, up weak signals, cross the base to show trends ( Data, data everywhere , The Economist).
New start-ups offer tools to help navigate these data warehouses (whether structured or not). The 'analytic has good years ahead of her ... ( Data Is Less About Big Size, And More About Freedom , Techcrunch).
The management of these huge databases is not without difficulty. The use of "cloud " allows you an easier way to these datas. Hence the close link between it and the "Big Data". ( The Future Is Big Data in the Cloud , Gigaom).
institutions must adapt to changes in scale gigantic unfolding before them for years. The "Big Data" leaves the sphere of IT to move toward the "business" ...
Other links:
To give you an idea of the "Big Data" at a level human, will explore Google N-Gram that gives you access to 5 million digitized books (1000 billion crossword) ...
File in Nature on Big Data (2008)
Big Data for the Year Ahead: 10 prediction s (ZDnet)
3 "Big-Data" Predictions for 2011
Someone Is Trading Stocks Based on Your Tweets (NYTimes)
(Addition) Untangling the web of social : Software: From retailing to counterterrorism, The Ability to analyze Social Connection is proving increasingly Useful (the Economist) (Claude Theoret thank you for the link)
Cocktail Dress Stores In Charlotte Nc
Manu , visiting Quebec this year, some big names interviewed on the subject of hard Return on investment ( ROI in English) of social media. I was honored to be on his list .
What are the benefits of social media company? Open to discussion and willing to fight their way at the summit in its niche? Some companies are best to be seen and heard. In a world of information overload, a simple website can no longer do the trick: be recommended by his peers, his clients or the media is possible as long as we keep the site "alive" today, by keeping up to date with elements more conversational, human or marked by the exchange of information. A mixture of public relations and customer relationship ...
videocasts Here's our interview about the role of blogs in business:
too short stay in Quebec for the French which deserves a better fate than to return to France ;-)
Feast you with this selection of interviews that Emmanuel Chila made this Fall:
Thoma Daneau What is the complexity of the job search on the net and the importance of his "personal brand" (personal best)
Olivier Mermet What can be benefits (and pitfalls to avoid) Social Media?
Julia Vallelunga on the passions and blogs Professional
Benedict Descary Social media and business, tips and tricks
Michelle White I NTERVIEW 1: Management of Small Buzz and Interview 2: The outspoken on social networks
Kim Auclair on community management
Frederick Harper (interview 1) and ( interview 2) Establishment and management events on social media
Sandra Friedrich on its social networking strategy firm (STM)
Hicham Souilmi on optimizing the management of social media company and
Back in France
Amanda Pacaud Very small businesses and social media
Discover Dishcrawl (with Elizabeth)
Thursday, December 30, 2010
What Does High Bilirubin Mean In A Toddler
Falling on an interview with Umberto Eco more I understood his concern about a society that all offers universal access to information .
He proposes a distinction between two groups of users to access tools to information: the "poor" and "rich". Here "poor" and "rich" are not to be taken in their physical connotation, but rather in terms of "evolution cultural ". For example, "a graduate is rich, a poor illiterate" (although obviously, there may be exceptions).
And these tools to access information in the broadest sense, that is to say, television, press, radio, internet, do not provide benefits for all, as the group that the uses.
"So the TV is good for the poor and hurt the rich" said Umberto Eco. "To the poor she learned to speak Italian, it is good for little old ladies by themselves at home. But it hurts the rich because it prevents them from seeing out of other most beautiful things in the cinema and it restricts their ideas. "
" The computer in general and Internet in particular, are good for the rich and hurt the poor. To me, Wikipedia has something, I find the information I need. But that is because I do not have blind faith in it [...]»
Since the rich have grown, they are able to cross check and sources. "The poor, however gobbles the first statement that passes, and endpoint. In other words, there arises for Wikipedia, like the Internet in general, the issue of verification of information . "Internet keeps both good and bad information. There is, virtually everything and its opposite.
Without checking the information, "inform" the poor like playing the lottery.
Before our world of information overload, information was (in percentage) rather rare. Or rather, the cost of producing and distributing newspapers, television, books and limited quantity, and forced a sort of relevance a priori. Scarcity (relative) and validation before publication we could, without too much difficulty, relying on what existed. Let's say the probability was on our side.
Now the question is complicated: everything and its opposite. For each theory, perspective or fact, it is possible to find another that contradicts it. It becomes ridiculous to say that something exists or that it supports the validity of his views on the basis of the "discovery of a web page that confirms the Internet." An archaeological dig on the internet is still reporting that you want to confirm. And its opposite. Find
no longer prove
Search tools are just spreading a false perception of competence.
Puisqu'internet keeps everything in writing, both false information as valid, only the "rich" have the means to verify, because the extent of their sphere of competence knowledge induces. Access to information does not guarantee anything. In my case and that of my readers too, "we know we know", but the system of education is he prepared to educate these (new) "poor", those who do not know they do not know ?
Friday, December 24, 2010
Play Trivial Pursuit Online Multiplayer
I invite my readers to go directly to my blog at this address here: .
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Beat Scene 5 In Blood Heart
The function of the discourse of terror is a pretext for the transformation of liberal capitalism in authoritarian capitalism.
- Peter Sloterdijk

The first decade of the 21st Century in the West that began September 11, 2001 (collapse of two towers in New York) and ended November 28, 2010 (passage of a quarter million stolen telegrams to the U.S. government).
The original purpose of Wikileaks is " expose regimes oppressive in Asia, former Soviet bloc, Sub-Saharan Africa and the Middle East ( source) This shows that the Wikileaks case is rather a line of demarcation in the West is "with" and who "cons". Oppressive regimes are not where we think.
The merchant class is part of defensive weapons the U.S. government. Fair return. The U.S. government is lobbying for its commercial companies (see "U.S. pressure on the Russians for Visa and Mastercard" source Guardian ).
I feel obliged to to document the facts, following the ban of Wikileaks , issue to remember what some companies are banks.
- Wikileaks expelled for breach of copyright (source Radio-Canada )
- EveryDNS Wikileaks refuses to stay on its DNS (source ReadWriteWeb )
- Paypal PCQ Wikileaks refuses to support it is "illegal" (source: Le Figaro )
- Twitter hack does not appear to Wikileaks in its "hot trends" (although it remains at Tweets over 2000 per hour for 3 weeks)? ( source) My readers know that since 2009 Twitter is part of the U.S. weapons .
- Visa and MasterCard block transfers to Wikileaks. The Bank of America was added before yesterday, the merry thieves (source France Info )
The quotation from Peter Sloterdijk highlighted reminds us that authoritarian capitalism will continue to bring joy and peace in the dollar store and Tati in this world.
Hey, bonus stories:
- Eric Besson, Minister of State Americanized as the last French king naked (Source Express ) wants to decide according to his mood that can be hosted on our servers or not French (Le Point Source )
- Tom Flanagan, the former strategist populist Canadian Prime Minister suggested, jokingly, Julian Assange be "murdered" (source Radio-Canada). To be honest, an Interpol arrest warrant should be issued against him for incitement to murder.
- Mitch McConnell, U.S. Senator, Republican, of course, accuses the officer of Wikileaks from being a "terrorist." (Source Show ). A terrorist is a word variable geometry for the U.S. (source ).
- Time magazine a choisit Zukerberg au lieu d'Assange comme personnalité de l'année. Why? Facebook does not date from 2010, yet (he could have received the title last year or the year before, or even before!) Oh yes, there was a Hollywood film on him this year. Sure. Of course *.
* Assange it is only superficial and recent events ("like a footnote on page in history"). Indeed, who remembers these embarrassing revelations this year, an attack on the army U.S. Baghdad (video from 2007), the release of 92,000 documents from the U.S. military on the war in Afghanistan (July), the output of 400,000 secret documents on the war in Iraq (October) or 250,000 telegrams in November? Person. Apart
the U.S. government ...
Ethical journalistic issues at end of session
Wikileaks will probably give a hard time for prospective students in information ethics (basically, it's like hacking into your Gmail account and published a site then all correspondence).
- Do Deep Throat would have passed by Wikileaks if he were still alive?
- What does it different between reading the news on and read in the newspaper? (Answer, you will be transferred; source Fox )
- If the revelations cast so far in the participating newspapers (we'll talk another time) does, against all odds, no mention of bin Laden , should see information newsworthy?
The world is changing ...
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Please Stop Vladmodels Ogg
What is a blizzard?
A snowstorm is to block, time of day, all our futile for us to send, at the foot boots, scarf nose in the snow take his daughter on a sled for morning classes.
And laugh while watching the fixed cars in the street. A gentleman down the window and head out.
- "I too love the snow" obviously envious that I can take my time to go and walk to school.
- "Freelance?" He asks?
- Yes.
- "Me, I take my pension in a month," he adds.
- Me I took a little piece every morning.
is the approach of Christmas should be believe.
And to get into the holiday spirit, it gets really good to work with a client who does the real Santa Claus !
This is the third year that the project Santa of uGroupMedia Portable is a hit with parents of young children. More than 10 million videos sent past year.
- CNN talked about Sunday (in keeping it on the same footing as JibJab).
- NORAD, which monitors every year the movement of Father Christmas in the wake ( ), has associated thereto.
- Even UNICEF is a partner.
When it comes to children's eyes light up (and pay a small tear for the parents) all means are good.
a few steps, it indicates that Santa will send a personalized video message .
He will ask little to stop sucking his thumb, or to obey his mother (or one of the 20 + other variants). It adds that his picture and the toy you want, and the Father Christmas opens his ledger to see if the child has been good and it deserves a gift.
Oh, and maybe he will be entitled to visit the reindeer shack, or hall of mirrors ...
I'm glad to have the chance to give them a hand. I invite you to take a look:
Friday, December 3, 2010
Outlook Contactos Itunes
Internet, more than any other technology, the world shrinks to a small village. The human tribe is forced to digitally reinvent a new modus operandi to blend community and inconsistent practices. Settle the balance of forces to either retain the privileges of old, or establish new rules. Wikileaks, the site that leak secrets faster than his shadow, threatens to become the first renegade global village and faces a ban digital quite dramatically at the age of silicone.
First it all started when Wikileaks broke the secret pact of delivering documents of extirpated U.S. diplomatic networks and newspapers worldwide (source ).
Stoning digital
The first reaction as in archaic societies, was stoning ... Digital - DDoS, "denial of service" ( distributed denial of service), computer attack in good standing to bring a server down and prevent access. In all likelihood ( source), the attack was coordinated by a devotee on behalf of the sanity of the group ("for attempting to endanger the lives of our soldiers 'other resources' and International Relations "- the use of the possessive" our "does not leave much room for interpretation: Partner or not, it is the order established in the village).
The ban digital
Then came the expulsion of the village. Amazon refugee under the protection of the god of clouds ( source), Wikileaks will see amazing dropped for reasons: breach of contract of service. Why? Amazon believes that wikileaks "lacked or did not control the content they broadcast rights" (source ). Stated otherwise, the claimant has not authorized the dissemination of content. Here we talk, I remind you of diplomatic communication. No scenarios. Although, reading some telegrams, you swim fast fiction.
lesson for the secret services: the right Copyright also protects the spies. I would have preferred that Amazon says that the U.S. government put pressure on them. It would be in a familiar story. Since
, Wikileaks took refuge in Sweden (source ). We will see later that this was not the best protector.
Peace digital
Then turn of events that night, the DNS provider, the manager of Internet addresses, or "phone book" Internet without which unable to contact a site, turn loose the black sheep ( source). For breach of conditions. "Member" shall not interferes With Another Member's use and Enjoyment Of The Service Or Another entity's use and Enjoyment of similar services. "(The members can not prevent the use of the service to other members). In this village, do not disturb the tranquility of the villagers. Wikileaks being stoned is too much, it disturbed the others (DDoS intense is the reason).
Bani for being have been the target of a ban. Tautological, my dear Watson. An hour ago, Wikileaks has refugee in neutral. Switzerland:
Inquisition International
Who wants to drown his dog, accused of rabies. Behold, just excommunicated and banished from the village, his head was a price. By Interpol, Stockholm, Sweden.
leader of Wikileaks cons him an "arrest warrant from Interpol as part of an investigation for" rape and sexual assault "in 2008 in Sweden" (source ). Justice following his short. The Inquisition also. If it does not work, there remains the charge of terrorism ( source). But one wonders who is terrorizing the site does really. The people by revelations about their leaders? or leaders in that they must now do as the people and monitor their communications (Echelon is not dead, remember)?
Rules for the tribe digital
village rules are clear: we do not change the rules. When one exposes the masters behind the curtain, do not expect a hug. Somehow they know now what it feels like when you go into the scanner full U.S. customs. But the ultimate punishment, as in primitive tribes, the ban remains.
final point. I do not know if you see the whole drama being played out. The U.S. seeks to withdraw access to Wikileaks these citizens. If it is to end up like China, why all this fuss and do not like them. Censoring the Internet [Source ]. It's faster. And clearer.
(image Banksy: Whitewashing Lascaux)
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Congratulations Quotes
No to debt-racketeering ... ... ... .. December 7 International call ... ...
Liberate currency interest
Operation Truth
Mint-In 20 countries, withdrawing money from our bank accounts:
show that only 5% of banknotes and coins for ... 95% of e-money free!
When emissions of tickets dependent on gold reserves,
bank loans were paid
Today bank loans are no longer dependent gold, interest is the flight
At 18 pm, every 7th of the month, we gather in public places.
In Nantes, at 18 am, Place Royale, Tuesday, December 7,
banks would have enough money ... lack of funds, entire regions become destitute. Greece, Portugal, Spain, Ireland, France ... unemployment explodes. Schools, hospitals, transportation ... public services are dismantled.
Yet in 1945, France, in ruins, was equipped with utility unique. Inspired by the National Council of Resistance, the Government General de Gaulle ordered the Bank of France to grant the state of zero interest loans. In private banks, they preferred the public interest. The government controlled rates for businesses and individuals.
Over the centuries, with the development of trade, gold has become too rare, could no longer guarantee the paper money. In 1914, many states abandoned the gold standard. Production had become virtually free money (paper and metal parts vulgar). Despite this, banks continued to take interest as time-guaranteed gold ...
For 28 years, from 1945 to 1973, France knew no no deficit, no debt! But Giscard law of 3 January 1973 forced the state to borrow from private banks and pay interest ...! Since then, public deficits and "debt-racket" gotten bigger. Thirty years later, Giscard d'Estaing incorporated this law in the European Constitutional Treaty ...
Since abandoning the gold standard, a bank can not miss the money, so easy to create on your computer. No real monetary crisis, but a control of the economy to bank profits. When companies can not sell some of their products to pay for bank profits, the banks cut off loans. Some staples are no longer manufactured, as unprofitable. Results: bankruptcy and unemployment in Europe, food riots in Africa.
bankers still dare to call "rent money" interests. Interest dating from the days when customers were paying rent to the chest containing the gold tickets corresponding to the loan. Today, more gold, more safe but still of interest ...
Interest which increase on average by 33% the consumer price! Whatever the broken lives on behalf of private interests.
Equality of all before the loan.
Demand a law for a bank of public service, with zero interest loans
(For states, companies and individuals)
For 28 years, the France of the Resistance has imposed its law to bankers, the country built utility unique. Come in strength Tuesday, December 7, withdrawing money from our bank accounts (each according to his means). To get to the truth, place the banks unable to provide the number of tickets requested.
The banking system faces no risk, these notes are just paper!
Again the operation as many times as necessary until the passage of the law. We are billions, they are a handful. Bank profits are the root cause of misery in the world. The truth about money, hope for humanity. Eric Cantona
be welcome Place Royale, Nantes, the city's appeal in Press-Ocean
Alain Vidal, Liberate The Mint, the Nantes-Pellerin (01/12/10)
For an economy respect for the planet and humans
Read the proposals of Free Mint