The function of the discourse of terror is a pretext for the transformation of liberal capitalism in authoritarian capitalism.
- Peter Sloterdijk
The first decade of the 21st Century in the West that began September 11, 2001 (collapse of two towers in New York) and ended November 28, 2010 (passage of a quarter million stolen telegrams to the U.S. government).
The original purpose of Wikileaks is " expose regimes oppressive in Asia, former Soviet bloc, Sub-Saharan Africa and the Middle East ( source) This shows that the Wikileaks case is rather a line of demarcation in the West is "with" and who "cons". Oppressive regimes are not where we think.
The merchant class is part of defensive weapons the U.S. government. Fair return. The U.S. government is lobbying for its commercial companies (see "U.S. pressure on the Russians for Visa and Mastercard" source Guardian ).
I feel obliged to to document the facts, following the ban of Wikileaks , issue to remember what some companies are banks.
- Wikileaks expelled for breach of copyright (source Radio-Canada )
- EveryDNS Wikileaks refuses to stay on its DNS (source ReadWriteWeb )
- Paypal PCQ Wikileaks refuses to support it is "illegal" (source: Le Figaro )
- Twitter hack does not appear to Wikileaks in its "hot trends" (although it remains at Tweets over 2000 per hour for 3 weeks)? ( source) My readers know that since 2009 Twitter is part of the U.S. weapons .
- Visa and MasterCard block transfers to Wikileaks. The Bank of America was added before yesterday, the merry thieves (source France Info )
The quotation from Peter Sloterdijk highlighted reminds us that authoritarian capitalism will continue to bring joy and peace in the dollar store and Tati in this world.
Hey, bonus stories:
- Eric Besson, Minister of State Americanized as the last French king naked (Source Express ) wants to decide according to his mood that can be hosted on our servers or not French (Le Point Source )
- Tom Flanagan, the former strategist populist Canadian Prime Minister suggested, jokingly, Julian Assange be "murdered" (source Radio-Canada). To be honest, an Interpol arrest warrant should be issued against him for incitement to murder.
- Mitch McConnell, U.S. Senator, Republican, of course, accuses the officer of Wikileaks from being a "terrorist." (Source Show ). A terrorist is a word variable geometry for the U.S. (source ).
- Time magazine a choisit Zukerberg au lieu d'Assange comme personnalité de l'année. Why? Facebook does not date from 2010, yet (he could have received the title last year or the year before, or even before!) Oh yes, there was a Hollywood film on him this year. Sure. Of course *.
* Assange it is only superficial and recent events ("like a footnote on page in history"). Indeed, who remembers these embarrassing revelations this year, an attack on the army U.S. Baghdad (video from 2007), the release of 92,000 documents from the U.S. military on the war in Afghanistan (July), the output of 400,000 secret documents on the war in Iraq (October) or 250,000 telegrams in November? Person. Apart
the U.S. government ...
Ethical journalistic issues at end of session
Wikileaks will probably give a hard time for prospective students in information ethics (basically, it's like hacking into your Gmail account and published a site then all correspondence).
- Do Deep Throat would have passed by Wikileaks if he were still alive?
- What does it different between reading the news on and read in the newspaper? (Answer, you will be transferred; source Fox )
- If the revelations cast so far in the participating newspapers (we'll talk another time) does, against all odds, no mention of bin Laden , should see information newsworthy?
The world is changing ...
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