Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Congratulations Quotes

No debt-racketeering, December 7, Liberate currency bank interest law


No to debt-racketeering ... ... ... .. December 7 International call ... ...
Liberate currency interest

Operation Truth
Mint-In 20 countries, withdrawing money from our bank accounts:
show that only 5% of banknotes and coins for ... 95% of e-money free!

When emissions of tickets dependent on gold reserves,
bank loans were paid
Today bank loans are no longer dependent gold, interest is the flight

At 18 pm, every 7th of the month, we gather in public places.
In Nantes, at 18 am, Place Royale, Tuesday, December 7,

banks would have enough money ... lack of funds, entire regions become destitute. Greece, Portugal, Spain, Ireland, France ... unemployment explodes. Schools, hospitals, transportation ... public services are dismantled.
Yet in 1945, France, in ruins, was equipped with utility unique. Inspired by the National Council of Resistance, the Government General de Gaulle ordered the Bank of France to grant the state of zero interest loans. In private banks, they preferred the public interest. The government controlled rates for businesses and individuals.
Over the centuries, with the development of trade, gold has become too rare, could no longer guarantee the paper money. In 1914, many states abandoned the gold standard. Production had become virtually free money (paper and metal parts vulgar). Despite this, banks continued to take interest as time-guaranteed gold ...

For 28 years, from 1945 to 1973, France knew no no deficit, no debt! But Giscard law of 3 January 1973 forced the state to borrow from private banks and pay interest ...! Since then, public deficits and "debt-racket" gotten bigger. Thirty years later, Giscard d'Estaing incorporated this law in the European Constitutional Treaty ...

Since abandoning the gold standard, a bank can not miss the money, so easy to create on your computer. No real monetary crisis, but a control of the economy to bank profits. When companies can not sell some of their products to pay for bank profits, the banks cut off loans. Some staples are no longer manufactured, as unprofitable. Results: bankruptcy and unemployment in Europe, food riots in Africa.
bankers still dare to call "rent money" interests. Interest dating from the days when customers were paying rent to the chest containing the gold tickets corresponding to the loan. Today, more gold, more safe but still of interest ...
Interest which increase on average by 33% the consumer price! Whatever the broken lives on behalf of private interests.

Equality of all before the loan.
Demand a law for a bank of public service, with zero interest loans
(For states, companies and individuals)

For 28 years, the France of the Resistance has imposed its law to bankers, the country built utility unique. Come in strength Tuesday, December 7, withdrawing money from our bank accounts (each according to his means). To get to the truth, place the banks unable to provide the number of tickets requested.
The banking system faces no risk, these notes are just paper!
Again the operation as many times as necessary until the passage of the law. We are billions, they are a handful. Bank profits are the root cause of misery in the world. The truth about money, hope for humanity. Eric Cantona
be welcome Place Royale, Nantes, the city's appeal in Press-Ocean

Alain Vidal, Liberate The Mint, the Nantes-Pellerin (01/12/10)

For an economy respect for the planet and humans
Read the proposals of Free Mint


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