Monday, March 9, 2009

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We call on States to complain

against banks for making improper interest on the currency. A law shall guarantee
public control of banks,
for a currency without interest.

past, all paper money corresponded to an equivalent quantity of gold in the banks.
To guard service in gold, customers gave interest to the banker.
Money is no longer convertible into gold, and yet the bankers are still of interest. This
counterfeiting causes
global crises of debt.
Indebted States cut public services,
businesses fail

" In essence, monetary creation ex nihilo practiced by the banks is similar, I do not hesitate to say so people understand what is at stake here, in the manufacture of currency counterfeiters, so rightly punished by law. Specifically it produces the same results. The only difference is that those who benefit are different. "
Maurice Allais, Nobel laureate in economics.
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Why pay interest on electronic money?

Whatever the medium, the currency is numbers and letters regulating trade "buyers-sellers. "
materials and transportation make free virtual currencies and e-book entry. Gold and paper become useless.
Electronic money is a great invention. Without it, our trade would be very difficult. Why? Because
bank gold represents only 1% of goods and services flowing on the planet over a year!

Private banks create 92% of currency in circulation ...
This currency is electronic, numbers and letters created on screen, ex nihilo (without gold equivalent).
The paper tickets, metal parts common constitute only 8% of currency in circulation.
Interest? A toll on illegal trade,
eliminating massive small producers.
Bankers facilitate loans for gadgets or weapons very profitable for their shareholders. But
meet basic needs, from small productions disappear denial of credit.
On average, 33% of a price paid by the consumer is passed to the interests of investors.
On average, we work, the third of our time lines of writing on computers.
This is expensive, it's time lost to work for free for bankers and financiers.

one hand, we must work to pay the interest,
another, we release the machines work. This contradiction reflects
a crisis of civilization which demands the abolition of interest on the money.
similar to officials banned private gain, the bankers should serve the public interest.
They would not be paid based on a percentage taken from the wealth produced by customers
Bankers would be paid according to their work: money creation, opening and tracking records.
USA, from 1861 to 1865, Lincoln did drop in poverty by imposing currency without interest.

Freed of the weight of interest (debt),
regions out of poverty,
local production reborn
indebtedness of individuals, companies and states will disappear.
Utilities will develop
based replacement men by machines.
This law for the purpose of debt by interest
is a first step in an absolute necessity.
is the starting point of building an economy
respectful human beings and the planet.
Liberate Mint (Nantes-Le Pellerin) vidal.mothes @

Alain Vidal (retired teacher), Ernest Bar (retired building), Remy Drouet , (fitter Retired) Annie Mothes (teacher) Isabelle Antoine (teacher), Annette Hamon (special education), Claude Ravaud (singer-songwriter). 23/02/2009
I, (e), requires states to file complaints against the banks for making improper interest on the currency. A law shall guarantee public control of banks for an interest-free currency, a currency of interest.
Signature, click on the link below (do CTRL + click):

or refer the petition to: Liberate
5 avenue Louis Vasseur 44000 Nantes
To be informed by the mailing list, write us at: @ vidal.mothes

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"Money does not cost anything to its creation!
Interest on bank loans are not justified! "
" Where does the money come? "
Crisis? shortage of funds or lack of monetary profits?
attac 49
you to rethink the place of our currency in our daily

by listening and discussing with
Alain Vidal
founder and member of the collective Nantes "Free money"
Wednesday, February 25 20:00 1 rue Bardoul

rates of bank interest and speculation about money
are the root causes of the global crisis.

For a currency with no private interests, a currency of interest! TO SIGN THE PETITION TO INTERNATIONAL PARLIAMENTARY
appointment at: