Monday, November 17, 2008

Patron Saint Of Occupational Theraphy

Historical Quotes on money

As one who has money is always the master of another, treating it goes tick-of-po the prince himself: it is not a legislator, but it forces him to give laws.
Montesquieu, "The Spirit of Laws. "

Unlike your situation in Britain, there is no one in New England unemployed vagrant or beggar. This result has no interest in issuing our 13 colonies "of paper money, which controls the purchasing power (in circulation) and does not create debt.
Benjamin Franklin in front of members of government English, 1750.

I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing army. Whoever controls money from the nation controls the nation.
Thomas Jefferson (third president of the United States)

Give me control over a nation's currency, and I will not have to worry about who makes its laws.
Amshel Mayer Rothschild (1743-1812)

gentlemen, a Mr. John Sherman has written us that there has never been so lucky for capitalists to accumulate money by "an order enacted, "according to the plan formulated by the British Bankers Association. It almost gives all powers to the National Bank on the finances of the nation. (...) If the plan became law, it follows from large profits for the fraternity of bankers in the world .(...) Mr. Sherman said that the few people who understand the system or are interested in its profits or so dependent of its favors that there will no opposition from that class, while the great mass of people, mentally incapable of comprehending the tremendous advantages that capital derives from the system, will bear its burden without complaint and perhaps without imagining that the system is contrary to its interests. Your devoted servants.
Signed: Rothschild brothers. "In 1865, in a letter sent by the London banker to his colleagues Wall Street in New York.

It is absurd to say that our country can issue millions in bonds, and not millions of money. Both are promises to pay but one fattens the usurers and the other helps the people. If money issued by the government was not good, then the bonds would not be good either. It's a terrible situation when the government, to increase national wealth, must go into debt and submit to ruinous interest charges.
Thomas Edison

I am a most unhappy man. I have unwittingly ruined my country. A great industrial nation is controlled by its system of credit. Our system of credit is concentrated in the private sector. The growth of our nation, therefore, and all our activities are in the hands of a few men. We have come to be one of the most misguided governments of the civilized world, one of the most controlled and dominated, not by conviction and vote of the majority but by the opinion and the strength of a small group of men dominant.
Woodrow Wilson, President of the United States 1913-1921

The modern banking system manufactures money out of nothing. This process may be the turn of dexterity which was the most amazing ever invented. The bank was conceived in iniquity and born in sin. Bankers own the Earth. Take them, but leave them the power to create money, and in a trice, they will create enough money to buy it back. Remove them this power, and all great fortunes like mine will disappear and it would be beneficial because then we would have a better and happier. But if you still want to be slaves of banks and pay the price of your own slavery let so bankers continue to create money and control credit.
Sir Josiah Stamp, Director Bank of England 1928-1941, second capital of England known at this time.

American Bankers have lent huge sums to Hitler who was repaid by plundering Europe. These same bankers have continued to enrich themselves by granting loans for the reconstruction of Europe devastated by war. "An American lawyer

We are grateful to the Washington Post, The New York Times, Time Magazine and other major newspapers, their directors have attended our meetings and has complied with the promise of discretion for almost 40. It would have been impossible to develop our plan for the world all these years if the spotlight had been trained on our business. The world is now more sophisticated and prepared to accept a World Government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and bankers is surely preferable to the principle of national self-determination of peoples, practiced throughout the centuries.
David Rockefeller (Trilateral Commission speech in 1991).

In essence, the creation of money ex nihilo by the current banking system is identical the creation of money by counterfeiters. Specifically it produces the same results. The only difference is that those who benefit are different.
Maurice Allais, Nobel Laureate

Something must replace governments, and private industry seems appropriate entity to do so.
David Rockefeller

If you allow the bankers to issue the money of a nation, they would not mind laws.
Baron Rothschild

We have a world government, like it not to. The only question is whether it will be created by by conquest or consent.
Paul Warburg, a banker, February 17, 1950 before the U.S. Senate

If people of this nation understood our banking and monetary system, I think there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning.
Henry Ford

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Kidde Fyrnetics Smoke Detector Won't Stop Beeping

bank interest rates and speculation about money are the root causes of the global crisis
For a currency without private interests, a currency interest
for public scrutiny of Central Banks

Interest rates on business investment by 33% raise consumer prices
On average, 33% of our purchasing power is going to bankers and resellers of money, the financial!
debt gives bankers the power of life or death over the companies, individuals and states. The weapons, more profitable, will be preferred to agriculture ... the right to life is not a priority.

92% of the money is created on computer for free:

interest rates should be removed
Our money is not backed by gold. The central bank gold is 1% of global GDP!
Aside from the file management, creation of computerized currency is virtually free.
privilege granted by kings to bankers, interest should be abolished.

The origin of the global crisis a tremendous contradiction
one hand, development technology which removes a massive job, while producing more wealth
... and the other the obligation to work as much or more!

Speculators make profits on the backs of employees who represent 95% of the workforce
Using quotas, limiting production, and extensive destruction of unsold goods
... speculators artificially create misery in abundance .
This state of necessity, voluntarily maintained, forcing us to work under any conditions.
Indeed, fewer jobs, less money sold to companies for salaries
... less profit for the merchants of money that the bankers and financiers.
Bankers and speculators struggle against free which reduces the working time of humans.

For income existence separate from the manual and powered by a coin of public service

You do not fight against unemployment by creating jobs destructive environmental
working time of each will be considerably reduced since money
will be created only in terms of environmentally friendly products and human rights. But
where is the money? Where the bankers created every day ... in the banks!
The coffers are empty, it's normal: money is more than lines of writing on hard drives.
bankers create money on computers as they already do but without interest.
Liberate Mint Nantes-Le Pellerin


We require:
1 - the control of central banks by States for a currency without interest
2-1 income existence dissociated Employment and powered by a coin of public service (excluding interests). A coin of general interest issued based on household assets and services meet, and human rights and the environment,
3 - the prohibition and destruction of quotas on products needed by the population,
4-access to free patents that belong to the heritage of humanity. Name
quality name email

Return the petition to
vidal.mothes @
"Liberate Currency "5, Avenue Louis Vasseur, 44000 Nantes Visit the blog: /

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Has Anyone Heard Of Alibi Snowboards

Appeal May 10


May 10, 1848, the abolition of Slavery was not abolished slavery
1948, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, legitimizing the wage,
perpetuates the trade in human beings
Universal Declaration for an authentic of Human Rights

May 10, 2008, from Nantes, a city of vanguard in recognizing the slave past, Liberate The Mint calls via the Internet, so that humanity is freed from bondage and pay money. Slavery abolished, the extension of wage merely modernize bondage adapting to technical progress. The objective remains the monetary profit. Wage society organizing the sale of human beings in exchange for money (salary) treats the individual as a commodity. Whether it is sold or is sold, there is always buying a human work force.
part of a preamble founder translated into several languages, this call is an invitation to write an authentic Universal Declaration of Human Rights. For a year each, on all continents, may contribute.
May 10, 2009, writing became Universal Declaration of Peoples, will be released in Nantes.

Preamble for an authentic Universal Declaration of Human Rights

1-Considering that the labor force, physical and intellectual, of the individual is the essential component of human nature. Considering that this work force is part of the personality. Everyone must be the sole custodian and owner. Any person entitled to free choice of employment, each freely available its work force, in respect for others.
No one can buy or seize by stealth, by force or any other means contrary to the free will of each. None can dispossess against their will for profit
2-Considering that any new advanced scientific or technological, is a fruit, a tiny part, at any given time, the accumulated cultural heritage by men since the dawn of humanity.
Considering that knowledge has this characteristic can belong to an unlimited number of human beings, without depriving any. No one can claim to know, seizing it, and restrict access by making others. Considering that the privatization of major means of production, exchange and communication creates conditions that allow for solution to the greatest number, that the use of the easement in the wage. No one has the right to privatize these resources for profit by buying the workforce of a human being.
Considering that the major means of production, exchange and communication are an integral part of this heritage. Everyone, from birth to death, is entitled, as heir to this heritage, a basic income. Working time under the public interest is decided democratically. 3-
Whereas any person as a member of the society has the right to social security, everyone is entitled to obtain the satisfaction of economic, social and cultural rights indispensable for his dignity and the free development of his personality. Whereas the currency constitutes an authority to purchase goods and services that guarantee the fundamental rights of human beings. Considering that purchasing power is subordinate to the power of money creation. The power of money creation depends on the will of people, one foundation of the authority of government.
Those who hold the power of money creation, the expression of common will not benefit from their position to extract private interests whatsoever. So no one has the right to force others to sell his work on behalf of the interest on the currency, interest contrary to public interest. 4-
Considering that interest on the currency, combined with wage labor, constitute a system that organizes the trade in human beings, being vulnerable, to take benefit of their labor. Whereas the system of money creation with interests associated with the wage system, the major obstacle to meeting the needs of guaranteeing the fundamental rights of many. Interest on money and the wage were abolished.
After slavery and serfdom, the abolition of wage announces the end of the Ancien Regime. The trade in human beings, finally abolished opens the advent of economic democracy respectful of an ecosystem in which all men depend. Democracy and economic grounds opens the way for democracy in politics.
Liberate Mint [Nantes group and Pellerin]
A wiki-exchange forum is being set up. In the meantime, send your contributions to:
vidal.mothes @ Alain Vidal 5, avenue Louis Vasseur 44000 Nantes

Friday, February 1, 2008

Favorite Travel Camera Bag


With a public currency, speculators can no longer make profits
by seizing the wealth produced by companies
To end the financial and banking crises, bankruptcies and unemployment ...
That States resume the right to control the creation of a currency and interest-free public ...

every day because of the currency sold by bankers, speculators and other tradeurs seize the market value of real wealth sold by companies. This production of wealth is based primarily on employees who represent 90% of the workforce. It takes employees for race horses, speculators bet on them, tradeurs who lose are no longer able to repay the money borrowed from bankers (even, by selling the shares or other derivatives). There was panic, the stock market or banking crisis. Employees are stored in unemployment, as we send horses to slaughter ...
Formerly, the circulation of goods and services was hampered by feudal tolls. Today, this movement is hindered by the bank interest and its consequence, the speculative use of money. Free lowering corporate profits, wealth is destroyed and not sold quotas limit production. Companies go bankrupt, the purchasing power lower is unemployment, schools, hospitals, will not be built, people were left homeless. It was poverty ... in the abundance of massive wealth destruction in the name of defending the profit. Experts have still not learned the lessons of the 1929 crash.
long time, the money was free, at the service of all, it was a great invention for facilitating trade and pacify (pay, "Pacari" ... make peace). But it was commodified by modern bankers. The weight of the interest causes an artificial shortage of money generating misery. Interest infinitely far exceed the operating costs of banks. Few seconds to create one billion euros on a screen. Namely that the monetary values of all the wonders of the world market, numbers and letters, held on a single computer's hard drive.
It is time to seriously consider the true cost of an electronic currency that is 93%. Banknotes and coins, representing only 7% of the currency in circulation! The currency is virtually free to his creation, yet it lowers by 30%, the purchasing power of consumers. Indeed, interest on loans for investment are passed on to consumer prices ... The currency is a currency interest contaminated. Respecting the environment, its own currency is not selling. Listen
Maurice Allais, Nobel Prize in economics: "In essence, monetary creation ex nihilo [from scratch] practiced by the banks is similar (I do not hesitate to say so people understand what is involved here) for the manufacture of currency counterfeiters, so rightly punished by law. Specifically it produces the same results. The only difference is that those who benefit are different. "
Since Bankers argue that the price of the interests insures against the risk of inadequate profits ... they can reassure a law restoring the right of States to beat a public currency and interest-free, remove the obligation to make profits. The risk will disappear and be reassured bankers.
campaign around that law is a step towards a better understanding of the nature and role of money. The awareness gap between the concept of useful resources, respecting the environment, their monetization, as profit, destructive of goods and services. The necessity of profits (banks, industrial or commercial) is that false belief in total contradiction with the reality of our mode of production. Not only the loss of profit not diminish the real wealth, but the increase for everyone.
productivity was increased 20-fold in 200 years. Five men are enough to where it had cash income percent ... back to periods of shortage, when the currency used to exchange goods on the basis of working time essentially human, the tooling being very rudimentary .
Today, 95% of the work contained in a product falls machines. Machines which require no purchasing power in exchange ... So why not separated from employment income, with the only currency collateralized amounts of wealth produced? Useless or dangerous products manufactured in the name of profit disappears, the average working time would decrease significantly. The release time of production that enable anyone to care, and self-and civic affairs, to finally live the economic and political democracy.
(31/01/08) "Free Mint" Nantes group

Contact: Alain Vidal, 5, avenue Louis Vasseur, 44 000 Nantes
vidal.mothes @ Blog:

Henry Ford "If people of this nation understood our banking and monetary system, I think there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning. "
Thomas Jefferson, third president of the United States: " Whoever controls the money of the nation controls the nation. "