Saturday, February 19, 2011

How Many Calories In Home Made Pizza

RAW NERVE - Nervous habits

Strange that this disc Brain F ≠, the sound is pretty clear as in some prods pre-school, more noisy and more crisp . For the structure of the pieces I find this quite modern, it goes a little in every sense, the insistence of many guitars and structures phrases rather well by two alternating nasal voice. Not really my cup of tea but I think they must have some fans. It is available from Grave Mistake.
Brain ≠ F - So Sun [USA-2011]

01 - So
Sun 02 - Symptom set

Download (Spain) is looking for dates for a future tour in France. Their style ranges from pre-school and stuff like surfing more JFA. Here are the reviews that received their record is released on Discos Humeantes and Tic Tac Totally for USA.Vous can listen and download the skeud Bandcamp on their page - there
Maximum Rock'n'Roll "Wow - this floored me on first spin. A great mix of weird, angular riffs and pounding beats, Delivered With An Almost offhand nonchalance. The rhytm section forms a solid basis for The Guitar Some player to explore East-Bay-Ray-style leads, While The vocalist goes off on songs like “Burka for everybody”. “Don’t step Cockroaches” and the amusingly titled ”Maybe too high”. They finish off with an unusual cover of UNITED MUTATION, if that gives you any clue to the twisted minds from which this English band was conceived. Very Cool."
Terminal Boredom
"A funny amalgamation of punk and surf music. Surf music isn ´t really that complicated of a style, but some how these guys manage to dumb it down to be a real primitive, plodding thud. The vocalist seems very serious, thought he doesn ´t seem to be singing about serious topics. Put it all together and you get VENEREANS. It´s a strange combination, but interesting nonetheless." Vice
"The U.S. hardcore is so hot lately that any day we will see the type of the ant with a Black Flag shirt. And then there are the maniacs who say they were fanzines on MDC from your room and listening and Poison idea in 1989 ... I do not believe them. Or it may be true, but if I remember so clearly is that they were doing wrong. pathological liar and idiot TV apart, I am quite happy with this new wave of children with vinyl edit shameless Oviedo Records labels as Smoky and create zines like the amazing Chilena Commando. One of these groups doing hardcore in Spain and they do not sound as Sick Of It All and NOFX are Venereans, Valencia. If they were dogs would be some kind of milpichas fertilized with sperm from the Stooges and a group that was most in Iowa back in '82. In addition, Venereans gave the only concert that my girlfriend liked all those who I have been. I feel a bit like Sisyphus, the rock above rock bottom, trying to instill a bit of musical culture and away from Bunbury and Nacho Vegas puto. It seems that little by little is coming due, and if Venereans have helped me in such a task have earned an interview. "
Play Fast Or Do
" The first to have a dir is that both m'encanta names of groups with the names of disk, and this is already a plus, because here is where to initially enter a disk. Having said this, we look at the music is what matters and where these are valencianets flip. 12 slices of punk macaroni and politically incorrect in line with the Big Boys, with many touches and hardcorils surfers. A good album, with lyrics and addictive divertitdes and provocative. Now comes the summer, ideal for going away to the beach to tench him the castles of sand and watch the children agüeles top-less. "" Venereans odd concoctions of the DELIVER hardcore and surf, Which is not the only bizarre Their mode of operation, but the fact they are from Valencia, Spain Gives another layer of cool vibes to it. Now, whatever you're thinking, rest assured this is some solid, rippin’ and great mid-paced hardcore, with enough surf guitar riffs to render some sunny vibes too. Pretty awesome interpretation from members of LE JONATHAN REILLY"

"With 12 punk shots in 15 minutes, the Venereans approach is simple but effective on their debut album. Over the course of twelve song done in under eighteen minutes, the band reworks the Ramones' M.O.--bristling three-chord guitars, mealy-mouthed vocals and wasted, teenage mentality-with plenty of earnest gusto. They express a go-nowhere frustration and could-give-a-hoot attitude with a certain vehemence, not to mention great hooks. Few punk These days bands sound so ripe and this is definitely a band to keep an eye on. "
" Group of Valencia with a peculiar sound somewhat reminds me of the songs with the JFA Surfer Punk mixed with eighties of Articles Of Faith, for example. Good band from the best that are coming in these last days running and will not joking! "


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