Monologues women
of Barzou Abdourazzoqov
Director: Sabrina Amghar
Airline All same
Workshop Markus Hansen, Paris, 12.02.2011
We know the debt of the Tajik literary area against a Sadegh Hedayat or, more recently, Simin Daneshvar one. In summary, an openness to the world, coupled with a keen sense of social criticism and satire. Translated from Russian by Stephen A. Dudoignon, these eight monologues deliver a caustic view of hypocrisy, submissions and forbidden dreams, through which the playwright's playful writing achieved universality.
Creation of three actresses - Sabrina Amghar Orane Dumas and Syndie Kourt - the company all the same proposes an adaptation without conceding to some exotic whatsoever staging of four monologues, four votes, four resistors. For it is here as elsewhere to denounce the cold logic, sequencing voluntary, widespread disorder in the guise of moral injustice that validate conformism.
From the deserted wife by a husband wheeler, discovering a "cousin" of passage, the prostitute scorned, but dominant secrets and masks its customers, the university married and falls in love with Student dark, ideals intact, to the beggar in the streets, selling her own children in revenge for the ferocity Name: four parabolas, quasi Pasolini, where each viewer is invited to a Socratic salutary and liberating.
© georges festa - 02.2011
Creation of three actresses - Sabrina Amghar Orane Dumas and Syndie Kourt - the company all the same proposes an adaptation without conceding to some exotic whatsoever staging of four monologues, four votes, four resistors. For it is here as elsewhere to denounce the cold logic, sequencing voluntary, widespread disorder in the guise of moral injustice that validate conformism.
From the deserted wife by a husband wheeler, discovering a "cousin" of passage, the prostitute scorned, but dominant secrets and masks its customers, the university married and falls in love with Student dark, ideals intact, to the beggar in the streets, selling her own children in revenge for the ferocity Name: four parabolas, quasi Pasolini, where each viewer is invited to a Socratic salutary and liberating.
© georges festa - 02.2011
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