Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Kidde Fyrnetics Smoke Detector Won't Stop Beeping

bank interest rates and speculation about money are the root causes of the global crisis
For a currency without private interests, a currency interest
for public scrutiny of Central Banks

Interest rates on business investment by 33% raise consumer prices
On average, 33% of our purchasing power is going to bankers and resellers of money, the financial!
debt gives bankers the power of life or death over the companies, individuals and states. The weapons, more profitable, will be preferred to agriculture ... the right to life is not a priority.

92% of the money is created on computer for free:

interest rates should be removed
Our money is not backed by gold. The central bank gold is 1% of global GDP!
Aside from the file management, creation of computerized currency is virtually free.
privilege granted by kings to bankers, interest should be abolished.

The origin of the global crisis a tremendous contradiction
one hand, development technology which removes a massive job, while producing more wealth
... and the other the obligation to work as much or more!

Speculators make profits on the backs of employees who represent 95% of the workforce
Using quotas, limiting production, and extensive destruction of unsold goods
... speculators artificially create misery in abundance .
This state of necessity, voluntarily maintained, forcing us to work under any conditions.
Indeed, fewer jobs, less money sold to companies for salaries
... less profit for the merchants of money that the bankers and financiers.
Bankers and speculators struggle against free which reduces the working time of humans.

For income existence separate from the manual and powered by a coin of public service

You do not fight against unemployment by creating jobs destructive environmental
working time of each will be considerably reduced since money
will be created only in terms of environmentally friendly products and human rights. But
where is the money? Where the bankers created every day ... in the banks!
The coffers are empty, it's normal: money is more than lines of writing on hard drives.
bankers create money on computers as they already do but without interest.
Liberate Mint Nantes-Le Pellerin


We require:
1 - the control of central banks by States for a currency without interest
2-1 income existence dissociated Employment and powered by a coin of public service (excluding interests). A coin of general interest issued based on household assets and services meet, and human rights and the environment,
3 - the prohibition and destruction of quotas on products needed by the population,
4-access to free patents that belong to the heritage of humanity. Name
quality name email

Return the petition to
vidal.mothes @ wanadoo.fr
"Liberate Currency "5, Avenue Louis Vasseur, 44000 Nantes Visit the blog: liberonslamonnaie.blogspot.com /


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