Sunday, November 28, 2010

Where Can I Customise And Buy My Own Bike


A law shall guarantee public control of banks

for a currency without interest created based

quantities alone productions

The origin of the global crisis a tremendous contradiction

one hand, a technological development that frees man by removing massive employment.

More and more wealth with less and less human labor.

Because this technique reduces progress profits made on human labor,

private bankers deny credit for production of goods

containing too little of this work.

Formerly, any paper currency co r r Esponda an equivalent amount of gold in banks.

To guard service in gold, customers gave interest to the banker.

Money is no longer convertible into gold, and yet the bankers are still of interest.

This counterfeiting causes of global crises of debt.

Indebted States cut public services, businesses go bankrupt

materials and transportation make free virtual currencies and neck r r ial dematerialized

. Gold and paper become useless.

We do not put a stamp on neck r r e st BUT THEN ...

Why pay interest on electronic money?

For a currency in line with the quantities of production and not on the working time of men

Wealth is being destroyed because they can not be purchased by income aligned with the work of men!

and the other, obligation to work to buy those same riches.

is absurd since the machines produce an average of 95% of the goods.

bankers and speculators make profits on the backs of employees (95% of the workforce)

is the replacement of men by machines that allowed development of public services.

But this reduction of working time reduces the profits of bankers and speculators.

For the monopoly of money creation,

banks prohibit production unprofitable even useful to people .

speculators artificially create misery in abundance

by quotas limiting production and the massive destruction of unsold goods ...

This necessity forces us to work under any conditions ...

You do not fight against unemployment by creating jobs destructive environmental

The working time of each will be significantly reduced with money created

based exclusively on production quantities respecting the environment and human beings.

But where is the money? Where the bankers created every day ... in the banks!

Bankers create money on computers as they already do, but without interest,

since money is electronic and 92%, warranty or no longer exists. This is normal,

the total gold reserves of central banks is less than 1% of a single global GDP!

Aside from the file management, creation of computerized currency is almost free ...

figures and letters on disk drives. The coffers are empty, it's normal, it's progress!

Three steps are needed to address global crisis at the root .

1-Prohibition of quotas on production and destruction helpful to people.

2 - Allocation of income existence, separated from employment, fueled by a currency without interest.

A currency aligned with the quantities of products.

3-free access to inventions and methods of production that belong to pat r imoine of humanity

and accumulated, often anonymously, by all generations over millions of years.

A legacy of which we are all heirs without any invention which would be impossible

Libe r ons Mint Nantes-Le Pelle r in 02/23/2009

Signature, click the link below:

"Free money"


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