Sunday, January 30, 2011

How To Replace The Lock On A Tool Box

nations will be exceeded

"With freedom of communications, groups of men of a similar nature can come together and build communities. The nations will be exceeded. "

No, this aphorism is not an informed commentator on the scene today in the Middle East, carried by the bursts of crowds and lights of protests against corrupt potentates govern them.

The quote is from Nietzsche (Posthumous Fragments XIII-883 - VP No. IV, 76 ), taken by Enthoven in 2009 (L'Express ), which was cited again two weeks ago his "radio podcast" The New Paths within one week on the German philosopher.

Tunisia, Egypt, Algeria, Yemen, Jordan, all ablaze, through information technology. TV, radio, internet.

regimes seek to prevent all that we know that a revolution is underway. And now Egypt has cut Internet . It prevents (illusory) by all means people together virtually before he does it on the street. Internet is broken? Already we see out the old modems to recreate it, this internet, and the foundation of community continues. "With the freedom of communication, groups of men of a similar nature can come together and build communities. The nations will be overtaken. "

Well, of course, it still remains to be seen if the demand for "democracy" demonstrators will not end up with a Trojan horse for Islamism, nightmares from the West.

But the contribution of "freedom of communication", it is all relative, is fueling the porosity of nations in favor of "spheres" (to borrow a phrase from Sloterdijk) where "[t] he relationship of analogy between neighbors [... ] by inspiration is born neither common nor business language, but on the basis of contamination mimetic whereby a modus vivendi [...] spreads in a population "[Sloterdijk Spheres III: Foam ].

How to accept a local condition when "the other" shows us alternative ways to "live better"? Borders no longer provide the desired immunity keep national cultures isolated.

Television had opened the door. In the form of fiction. The TV series, probably more than the television news, had offered to thirsty people dream of idyllic worlds. Hollywood scenarios as substitutes for the "idealized other." But if zero were fooled to take literally these images. So

exchange through internet has taken over and sent the "true image" of the "true message" and "true facts". In addition, some live to a click of a different world which we can aspire.

What was thought lonely, isolated, slowly found his community. "I'm not alone in thinking that." The conviction is growing stronger. And when we see that the public square, in ruling circles, it is stifling the truth, we are convinced that we can get out of the nations that are fictitious and no longer only to reverse the history ...

In addition:

What's the point to activate over the Internet? Doctorow meets on Morozov's blog Framablog. Essential.

Arab Spring. A small folder of Duty

When technology replaces the discussion ... InternetActu On the question "because our attention is dispersed and that to maintain and improve the care we give to our electronic relationships, we seek that which we give to our physical counterparts. "

A Declaration of the Independence of Cyberspace - John Perry Barlow


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